Deliver Exceptional Customer Experiences and Build Client Loyalty with a Finance CRM

Whether you are in Banking, Insurance, or Wealth & Asset Management, working with a CRM for financial services will help in breaking the functional silos and improving your communications across the board. It will streamline your RevOps for the full customer lifecycle to drive growth through operational efficiencies.

Supported CRMs for Financial Services

Attract more prospects by providing digital experiences


Get 360-degree view of your prospects to build customized solutions


Nurture prospects and stay connected to convert more customers


Empower your customers with financial success and grow your business

Get Custom CRM for Real Estate Brokers and Agents + IDX Website with SEO for $3499

Real Estate CRM (Premium) for $799/year
Don't need an IDX enabled website? You have the option to subscribe for the CRM solution focused at the needs of the real estate industry at $799 only.
Get started
Website + Real Estate CRM for $3499
Get fully functional, IDX enabled, custom built website for real estate brokers and agents in 8 weeks with a robust CRM for real estate industry.
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Website + Real Estate CRM + Marketing Platform for $3499

One-time set-up fee of $399

Get fully functional, IDX enabled, custom built website for real estate brokers and agents in 8 weeks with a robust CRM for real estate industry.

Get started now


Real Estate CRM + Marketing Platform for $799

One-time set-up fee of $199

Don't need an IDX enabled website? You have the option to subscribe only for the CRM solution focused on the needs of the real estate industry.

Get started now


Customized Solutions for Real Estate Brokers and Agents

Contact us for a quote

Looking for a custom solution with an IDX website and a CRM with premium Marketing functionalities? Contact us now for a custom quote.

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Why Invest in Finance CRM?

Here are the top benefits that help financial service institutions to provide personalized experiences, build trusted relationships and higher customer loyalty, increase retention, ultimately leading to higher business growth.

Maintain compliance with all the latest security standards, including GDPR for email marketing.
Manage client communications with automated financial services workflows and delight customers with quick, personalized solutions.
Workflow Management
Finance CRMs connect with all third party tools that most financial institutions use. Integrate all your software apps and capture data inside your CRM.
With customizable reporting dashboards, stay on top of KPIs, identify low performing areas, and lead your business towards growth.
AI support
AI Enabled
Get AI support for tasks like creating email templates, best time & day to reach and connect with your customers, guidance for content, and smart insights in your reports.
Use pre-built report templates to get insights into customer activities. Use custom calculated properties to build properties specific to the financial plans that your institution offers.
Invoice feature
Uninterrupted Support
Reduce response time lag for your customers by using AI supported chat bot workflows that present correct information and connects to the relevant customer support representative.

We are Here to Guide You for Your Finance CRM Software

Whether you are already using a CRM or are considering choosing a Finance CRM software that will help in managing seamless and timely connections between you and your prospects, our CRM managed services accommodates the diverse needs for all types of financial service organizations - whether they are from Banking, Insurance, or Wealth & Asset Management sectors, we have CRM solutions for all.

Finance CRM
Computer and phone

We are here to guide you whenever you need.

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We are here to guide you whenever you need.

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Computer and phone
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Mary Kindler
Founder of Syntecho
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Mary Kindler
Founder of Syntecho
Placeholder Image

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus dapibus posuere mi, in pretium ante posuere a. Aliquam a risus at eros molestie pretium. Aliquam a risus at eros molestie pretium dolor set amiut.

Mary Kindler
Founder of Syntecho

Ready to Talk About Finance CRM for Your Financial Services Business?

NuFunnel is to help you with any information you need regarding CRM for financial services. Whether you already use a CRM or are looking to identify the best CRM for financial services with a budget in mind, we are here to walk you through all options.